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Bee riding a rainbow bike

Hallo onze vrienden!

The Beeminder founders and Lillian and the founders’ kids, and other Beeminder friends from Portland will all be converging on Amsterdam next week, from June 15 through June 21st, for Quantified Self 2017. Beeminder, as usual, is a minor sponsor.

Meet up with us

We’re co-hosting a meetup with the Quantified Self folks that we would love to see you at — on Saturday, June 17 at 7PM at De Ysbreeker. Your first drink is on us — unless your Beeminder “drink less” goal won’t let you have one.

Down the rabbit hole

Our excuse for coming across the pond is the Quantified Self conference, of course. If you might be interested in attending, check out the program. It’s sure to get you excited about it. It is going to be a really interesting weekend, and we’re looking forward to meeting a bunch of you!

Tulips and a windmill

Here are some of the things we’re most excited about:

  • Sat 10:30am: Aaron Parecki’s show&tell talk on owning your own data (viva la Indieweb)
  • Sat 12pm: Jana Beck’s breakout session on Self-Tracking vs. Self-Surveillance
  • Sat 1-2pm: Beeminder office hours
  • Sat 7pm: Can we still call the Beeminder meetup a kaffeeklatsch even though it’s at 7pm?
  • Sun 2pm: Lillian’s show&tell talk comparing her life to the economy of a small country

[UPDATED with actual times.] And on the final session Sunday we might even get Cantor Soule-Reeves (our eight-year-old) to give a short show&tell talk (yes, that’s what they call them even if you’re not 8) about how his step data correlates with the weather. UPDATE: Cantor’s talk!

Ok, if you’re still on the fence about attending, we have a pretty generous discount for Beeminder users. Email us to get in on that.

Tell us your Beeminder stories!

Last but not least, we’re doing a storytelling project about Beeminder and we’d love to hear your Beeminder story. There’s a very short sign-up form to find a good time.

If none of these work for you, we’d still love to hear from you. Comment below, send us an email, or find us in the hallway track at QS17!
