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Tag: rationality

213 posts
  • Robot scientist
  • A vintage radio with knobs and dials and a bee logo
  • A balance scale with fuzzy renditions of the Fatebook and Beeminder logos
  • A silly nerd-bee in front of a machine that says Proxy-Minder 3000
  • Panel from the classic xkcd with the person who knows regular expressions swinging in on a rope
  • A bee holding up a surrender flag
  • A fraction thinking about Beeminder blog posts
  • Digital AI art with a person at an old-fashioned computer
  • A big nuclear waste symbol in the center of a dial with a bunch of other buttons. and also some bees.
  • A painting of a head with other heads and skulls coming out of it
  • A mouse carrying a single marble up the stairs
  • A man wearing a backpack, walking up a staircase made out of books
  • a bee reading a book and talking to themself
  • A bee working on its budget
  • A busy bee coding with a stopwatch
  • A Bee in goggles with a bundle of gifts
  • Bees in love, surrounded by honey and money
  • DIY Beeminder, involving a lot of shoestring
  • A bee and a piggy bank and some tax documents
  • A honeypot with money in it
  • Two honeypots: one full of big rocks and the other full of little pebbles
  • Bees engaged in high-risk activities
  • Bees looking at screens with URLs on them
  • An anime bee riding on an origami crane
  • A slightly disheveled college student surrounded by books and study materials
  • A robotic bee in a sea of books
  • Bee riding the Manifold.markets logo
  • An elite runner and a... not so elite runner
  • A stamp collection
  • Katy Perry and Elmo saying yes/no to each other
  • A grid of faces with all sorts of crazy reactions
  • A person solving problems on a blackboard, and also a drawing of a bee
  • A bee in a forge
  • If bees created chess, by Midjourney
  • DALL-E: derailing it is nailing it, surrealistic painting featuring a bee hammering a nail
  • Silhoutted person entering a yellow and black striped gateway
  • Some kind of apiarian vizier plotting world domination
  • An adorable bee knitting
  • A cartoon bee committing hara-kiri on a hill
  • DALL-E image of a cartoon bee looking ill drinking a vial of a toxin
  • Smooth bees
  • Announcing RSSminder
  • A bee crashing on skis
  • DALL-E image: a painting of some stressed out bees
  • A gas station sign advertising $9.999/gallon gas
  • Beeminder vs CBT
  • A bee weighing itself, with a graph of its weight
  • A cartoon bee in an orange and red striped dress
  • A book on fire
  • Bee self-blackmailing, i.e., sending itself a black piece of mail
  • A bee on a blockchain
  • Beeminder and freeCodeCamp logo mashup
  • Days of the week with images for each themed eating day
  • A dirty human stick figure with a can of stink-bee-gone
  • A dirty bee with a can of stink-bee-gone
  • A bee staring at a diagram of a control system
  • Stars in the sky
  • Bee in stocks with sign that says 'i derailed on beeminder'
  • Beeminder graph with a staircase as the bright red line (and a bee climbing it)
  • Placeholder image
  • A bee holding the Beeminder logo and the book _How To Change_
  • A Bee with a calendar, Bartlebee Jr's birthday, etc
  • A bee holding notes and books and such
  • A bee rejecting a graph depicting loss aversion
  • A bee thinking about the standard graph depicting loss aversion
  • Bee looking at string on finger with lightbulb above head
  • A bee with a sword and shield and a CodeCombat belt
  • Beeminder and Pocket logos
  • A bee thinking about fractions
  • Devil bee
  • Cents in a line
  • Crutches
  • Pr(workout | Beeminder) = Pr(Beeminder | workout) * Pr(workout) / Pr(Beeminder)
  • A bee holding a carrot (down) and a stick (up)
  • Bee on a shopping spree
  • The Beeminder logo crossed out
  • A burglar bee
  • An old bee with a cane
  • A nebulous bee and a nebula
  • A bee driving an ice cream truck through a loop of rope
  • A workerbee making an assembly line of humans do its bidding
  • Beeminder logo wearing nerd glasses and a pocket protector
  • Cookie Monster eating books with titles 'Cookies and StickKs' and 'Cookie and Consequence'
  • A picture of a ratchet mechanism and Bee in overalls and a wrench and a crown
  • A bee carrying a marshmallow that's bigger than itself
  • A bee in a dunce cap writing 'i will not write dummy posts just to make beeminder happy' on a chalkboard
  • Blueprint for the Infinibee logo
  • A bee swimming in documents
  • Bee at a big boss desk
  • Bee holding a 'no settings' sign
  • A bee accidentally toppling a card house
  • A bee with a wrench and a todo list
  • A bee wearing a wizard hat and magic wand
  • Graph with isolines
  • hourglass
  • Electromagnetic spectrum
  • A basket of eggs with a bee flying around it. And a butterfly but we don't care about butterflies.
  • Blabby faces and zip-lipped faces
  • Portrait of Leonhard Euler
  • A vat with a lot of liquid flowing in and a trickle flowing out
  • A dog gun shooting bees (it doesn't make any more sense than that if you view the actual image)
  • A skeptical cow
  • Aristotle
  • A lock and chain
  • A graph of a Pareto frontier in 2 dimensions, with infinibees as points
  • A graph of a Pareto frontier in 2 dimensions
  • Dog dressed as a hot dog
  • Bug report -- Replicata, Expectata, Resultata
  • Reeves giving QS18 talk
  • Library stacks
  • A train flying off the tracks and feeling good about that
  • Jerry Maguire character yelling 'show me the money'
  • Two chickens. The first one says: You've got a problem with avoiding personal accountability. The second one replies: Ya, and whose fault is that?
  • Dead bees
  • Zach with the Beeminder-branded button
  • Toggl hourglass
  • Slytherin 404 athletic shirt
  • A monastery on a hill
  • Bartholomew Cubbins holding hats
  • a hand with 6 fingers
  • Kim at the culmination of her Jazz event
  • Diagram with the 4 components of deliberate practice
  • All The Things
  • A plate with food left on it, formed into a face
  • Homer Simpson demonstrating the four fundamental types of reward and punishment
  • Fences on a slippery (snowy) slope
  • A pigeon
  • Pacman
  • Padded cell that says 'Committed?'
  • Screenshot from a previous Maniac Week
  • Beeminder logo holding Google Docs and Dropbox logos
  • Sketch of the original Mechanical Turk
  • Karate kick in black and yellow
  • A cockroach in the kitchen
  • Complice and Beeminder logos with arrows and symbols and icons oh my
  • Beeminder and Complice logos (the former as a swarm of bees flying out of Complice's mouth)
  • Factorization diagram for 1 through 36
  • The cover of Neil's book
  • A kid grabbing a marshmallow off a plate
  • Homer with donuts, etc, on the brain
  • Paul Samuelson
  • Victor Hugo
  • Daniel Reeves at the QS15 podium
  • Pixelated Bee, Habitica-style
  • A picture of a jellyfish on the November cover of Discover
  • Cover of Scott Adams's book, *How To Fail At Almost Everything And Still Win Big*
  • Complice logo
  • A student sprinting to turn in a paper right before midnight
  • A bee with an umbrella getting rained on
  • Slide from Bee's talk: Code. Eat. Sleep.
  • Andy Brett running
  • An Elephant and its hapless Rider
  • Calendar with days crossed off
  • Skritter & Beeminder logos
  • New England Journal of Medicine, a cigarette, Beeminder, a carrot
  • IFTT and Beeminder logos, kinda meta-like
  • Adaptation of an image from Wait But Why
  • 'Routines' as a loop; 'New things' as a spiral
  • Graph from the Hacker's Diet showing raw data with moving average overlaid
  • Bees in a triangle
  • Whiteboad at the beehive
  • Bee kitchen timer
  • Some kind of bee goddess in a flower
  • A (literal) cornucopia of vegetables
  • Zapier logo surrounded by various other logos
  • A series of alarm clocks
  • Three kinds of bees, beecause we're three!
  • An infinibee in a treasure chest, RPG-style.
  • A little anthropomorphic ruler
  • The letter B in the style of the superman logo
  • person at a desk in the middle of a field with a big blue sky
  • Bee smiling and waving maniacally at the camera
  • A 1968 Dodge Charger doing a burnout
  • Hieroglyphics with an Infinibee
  • Turtle hiding in its shell
  • GTBee screenshot
  • Hypothetical 'Beeminder for Newbees' book cover
  • Cookie Monster cookie monstering a cookie
  • People boxing, ie, punching each other
  • An unfinished / unpolished Beeminder bee, being beeminded.
  • Bart Simpson cheating on a test
  • The Seven Deadly Sins: Wrath, Greed, Sloth, Pride, Lust, Envy, Gluttony
  • Adorable plush ketchup and mustard dolls
  • no weasels
  • graph of our exponential pledge schedule: $0, $5, $10, $30, $90, $270, $810, $2430
  • 'Thinking Outside the Box' by Duy Huynh
  • image of a burning dollar bill
  • GitHub's Octocat holding a bitty bee
  • An ostrich with its head in the sand
  • Airplanes skywriting a heart
  • Jimmy Jet's parents watching Jim.
  • happy first bee-day
  • A calendar with gold stars on it, seinfeld-hack style
  • A nun in a habit
  • Odysseus and the Sirens, by John Waterhouse
  • A bee with a dollar sign hanging from a stick coming out of its head like a carrot
  • infinite matrix of beeminder bees
  • A boogle of weasels
  • A Round Tuit
  • A monkey wearing glasses
  • A bee minding a (Beeminder) bee
  • The Beeminder bee walking down the yellow brick road to akrasia-free bliss
  • If you don't study, You Shall Not Pass!
  • 'Delayed Gratification' by James Surowiecki in the New Yorker
  • Beeminder task list as part of the AutoFocus system
  • That's right, this is a dog dressed as a bee -- got a problem with that?
  • Woman on scale with gun
  • A sort of dial, on the horizon. Or something.
  • A hand making the universal 'loser' symbol
  • A picture of a cane toad, epitomizing 'unintended consequences'
  • Nature shot of sedimentary rock
  • Mmmphhle glrrg? What bag of chocolate the size of my ass?