If you’re reading the Beeminder blog there’s a 95% chance you know about the Pomodoro Technique. The idea is to decide a task, do focused work on it for 25 minutes, and then get up and take a 5-minute break. Rinse and repeat. Apparently it was invented in the 1980s but Danny independently invented...
Pomodoro Poker
2015-01-20 • by dreevesLast week Bee talked about Tocks. That’s our neologism for 45-minute pomodoros, as well as our characteristically over-engineered system for minding them. She listed some gamification-y tips for effective tocking and assured everyone that all our other ideas involved money. That of course included beeminding tocks, as discussed last time, and certainly includes
2015-02-03 • by dreevesIn which Danny dispenses advice on beeminding your bucket list. This first came up in the context of maniac weeks but don’t stop reading if you think those are idiotic! It’s about how to make sure you do something you intend to do but which isn’t amenable to just putting on your calendar or otherwise...
Beeminder ♥ Epson
2015-02-06 • by dreevesAnother official integration! We’re so proud to be one of a handful of launch partners for Epson’s entry into the Quantified Self / wearables market: Runsense and Pulsense. As a welcome to Epson users new to Beeminder, we’ll start with our usual recap. For Beeminder regulars who don’t already know about...
Triangular Beeminding; Or, Drink Less, Using the Power of Triangles
2015-02-27 • by David R. MacIverOne of my vices is that I drink a bit too much. Not to the level where I have a problem, but it would be strictly better if I cut out about 2 or 3 of the drinks I have in a typical week. This seems like an obvious use case for Beeminder. I’ve previously beeminded units of alcohol consumption and concluded that, measured as a total number of units per week, I’m completely
Beeminder ♥ Garmin
2015-03-10 • by bsouleAnother official integration! We’re so excited to be integrating with Garmin, one of the biggest and oldest names in wearable computey things! As a welcome to Garmin users new to Beeminder, we’ll start with our usual recap. If you’re just eager to get your beloved Garmin device connected to Beeminder,...
Should You Beemind The Moving Average?
2015-03-20 • by dreevesThis was tied for the most popular topic for us to write about in a mini straw poll of the daily beemail readers. I decided to blog it instead because a surprising number of people have proposed this over the years (also it’s a blog beemergency day). Beeminder users being, to put it mildly, rather sophisticated,...
Hello, I’m Tadeusz — tkadlubo on Beeminder and elsewhere. I’m a fairly regular middle class nerd. Early 30s. An engineering job in some corporate niche. A family. By many metrics I’m doing well: I’m basically healthy, I make a good living, I’m lucky enough to live in politically stable times (by Central European standards), and I face no immediate crises in my life. You can say all is well — or, depending on your perspective, that I’m coasting, and I’m ready to
Monkeys Are Afraid of Bees
2015-04-09 • by Mary RenaudThis is a guest post by chipmanaged. We often describe guest post authors as “avid Beeminder users” but @chipmanaged takes the cake. Not only does she have 67 active Beeminder graphs, she’s written a custom dashboard for them, along with various tools using the Beeminder API that implement new features....
Dealing with Beemergencies in an Emergency
2015-04-19 • by Philip HellyerI recently had a highly disruptive event in my life. Overnight my priorities rapidly changed, and not all of my Beeminder goals made sense anymore. This is the story of how I dealt with my commitments during a period of stress. When real life changes suddenly, you deal with it. Your beemergency days are no longer relevant. When the first derailment happened, I
GmailZero: Not Just For Your Inbox Anymore
2015-04-29 • by bsouleUPDATE 2019: Changes to GmailZero! Google recently stopped supporting their very old OAuth1 authentication strategy, which is what we’d been using to access all y’all’s Gmail accounts. We’ve talked about our Gmail integration, GmailZero before. (Actually we talk about email a lot, including recently...
If This MIND That: Beeminder ♥ IFTTT
2015-05-08 • by bsouleAnnouncement! There is now an official Beeminder Channel on IFTTT! This is a big day for us. Our users have been begging for this for a very long time, and we in turn have been bugging IFTTT. In fact, Danny even wrote this Ode to IFTTT two years ago and included it in our application to be a channel...
Smoking Sticks and Carrots
2015-05-20 • by dreevesThis is crossposted on Messy Matters. Let’s talk about science! Beehavioral science. A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine last week has been all over the news. It’s much better than previous studies and statistics I’ve seen on the efficacy of commitment devices. Not because...
Misfit and Bee-fit: Beeminder ♥ Misfit
2015-05-29 • by bsouleAnother official integration: Misfit! Look at us, all featured in their gallery and everything! This is an especially exciting integration for us personally -- our esteemed CEO has been wearing his Misfit Shine literally 24/7 for a year and a half now. As a welcome to Misfit users new to Beeminder, we'll start with a recap of what Beeminder is all about. For the full story, start at the very beginning. If you're just eager
Beeminder ♥ Skritter
2015-06-09 • by bsouleAnother integration, hot off the presses: Skritter! There is a funny back story with this one. Last winter our charmingly optimistic CEO, imagining we could have this integration done “like in a month”, got slightly telephone-gamed into committing to launch it in January. When we noticed what we’d gotten ourselves into we offered a
Quantified Self 2015 and Bay Area Beeminder Meetup
2015-06-18 • by dreevesToday is the first day of the Quantified Self conference! And Beeminder is a minor sponsor. How excited are we about this? My cofounder and I are each giving a talk, we’re leading a breakout session, and holding Beeminder “office hours”. And we’re presenting Beeminder at the Expo on Saturday. But wait,...
The Seinfeld Hack; or, Don't Break The Chain
2015-06-29 • by dreevesConnoisseurs of productivity porn, which we’re afraid to say this blog may count as, probably know about the Seinfeld Hack, also known as Don’t Break The Chain. The idea’s so simple (in a good way) that you don’t even need to follow the link to LifeHacker [UPDATE: Jerry Seinfeld has disavowed this so...
Cranial Silicosis and Paths of Least Resistance
2015-07-16 • by dreevesFor those just tuning in, let’s review the Three Great Beeminder Epiphanies. The Yellow Brick Road — bringing long-term consequences near (and using the graphs as the basis for commitment contracts) The Road Dial and the Akrasia Horizon — flexible self-control (getting the most out of commitment contracts...
Weasel Heart-To-Heart
2015-07-27 • by Chelsea MillerChelsea Miller is Beeminder’s Support Czar, meaning she’s in charge of making sure the rest of us at the beehive stay on top of all the email you send to support@beeminder.com. And in fact she answers a huge amount of it personally. Pretty much everything she writes to users puts a huge smile on my face....
Nine Greens
2015-08-07 • by Mirabai KnightThis is a guest post by Mirabai Knight, who beeminds many aspects of her life, in many creative ways. She’s been a proponent of Beeminder in the popular press as well as writing about it on her blog. Here she discusses — along with her latest Beeminder goals — an unanticipated (at least by us!) source...
Trusting Your Divided Self
2015-08-19 • by Philip HellyerThis is a post by Philip Hellyer, which he wrote before Chelsea Miller’s recent Weasel Heart-To-Heart but which serves as a sequel, or perhaps a prequel — advice on avoiding those problems in the first place. Maybe you can be counted on to faithfully and unfailingly report true numbers to your own commitment...
I Resolve Not To Resolve; Or, The Anti-Resolution Resolution
2015-08-29 • by dreevesAs I write this, my cofounder (aka the Bee in Beeminder) is off running a 195-mile, 12-person relay race from Mt Hood to the Oregon coast, so tonight’s emergency blog post is up to me. I’m going to tell (part of) the story of how we keep getting ourselves into predicaments like running up and down steep...
Bee on Extreme Productivity (QS 2015)
2015-09-08 • by bsouleOnce again our esteemed cofounder, Bethany Soule, aka the Bee in Beeminder, gave a talk at the Global Quantified Self conference in San Francisco. But you don’t have to take our word for it. We now have video proof. We’re also sharing the transcript and slides, in case anyone cares that much. It’s based...
Press Roundup: A Year of Buzz
2015-09-18 • by dreevesRemember our press roundups? What’s The Buzz? Beeminder Buzz at 30,000 Feet Front Page of the Wall Street Journal Another Press Roundup Part Deux, Revisited: Return of the Beeminder Buzz Returns Again! Press Roundup 5 Well we got super lazy about them and it’s been a year since the last one. So now we...
Revamped Reminders
2015-10-01 • by bsouleIf your name is “Beeminder” then reminders really need to be part of your core competency. Alerts and nudges about your goal are fundamental to our contract with you, the user, to do our very best to help you meet the goals you’ve set, and only take your money as a last resort. So much so that if...
Chasing Waterfalls
2015-10-12 • by dreevesLast week (or however often we have Beeminder force us to get blog posts out the door) we announced our big Revamped Reminders feature. Today I want to explain my favorite thing about this feature: setting up Beeminder waterfalls. I’ll explain that momentarily. First let me quote myself from a year ago,...
Hard-Committing To Do Something "Soon"
2015-10-22 • by bsouleDeadlines are really important. Without them things don’t ever get shipped. But they’re also — if you can hard-commit to them, which you have to or else they’re pointless — kind of awful and arbitrary and stressful. Epiphany: Beeminder gives a way to get the key advantage of a deadline without the stress...
Fourth Anniversary of Beeminder
2015-10-29 • by bsouleBeeminder is four years old! We’d liiike to get this blog post started by telling you what we’ve been working on this last year (revamped reminders! so many new integrations! new versions of smartphone apps! meetups and Quantified Self!), buuut you’re probably more interested in the question of whether...
We’re hugely impressed with both Malcolm Ocean and his now two-year-old startup, Complice. We’re especially proud that Malcolm’s been beeminding User-Visible Improvements to Complice since the beginning. Complice is quite beautifully done (maybe thanks in part to the more than 600 improvements logged?)...
Beeminder's Youngest User
2015-11-21 • by Faire Soule-ReevesImagine a world where children grow up with Beeminder as a way of life. Well we created Beeminder when our kids were babies so here in Portland (at least in our house) that world exists, as a reality. Here to tell you about that is Beeminder’s presumably youngest user, Faire Soule-Reeves. Hi! I am Faire...
Cyber Monday:
2015-12-01 • by dreevesOK, FineNever Again[UPDATE 2021: This is strictly for historical interest. Beeminder premium just costs what it costs now.] Of the roughly 6,000 active Beeminder users, we’re approaching 1,000 who like us so much that they’ve opted in to more frequent beemails. If you love us so much that you want to hear from us daily...
Systems Not Goals
2015-12-11 • by dreevesMy cofounder and I are proud to be featured on the latest Sources & Methods podcast. One of many things we talk about in that episode is Dilbert creator Scott Adams’s claim that goals are for losers. We’ve decided that our response to that needs to be its own blog post. So, for those just tuning in,...
Buzzy Buzz Buzz: Discover Magazine Edition
2015-12-22 • by bsouleIt’s our 7th press roundup! This time we wanted an excuse to show off our coverage in last month’s issue of Discover Magazine. The author (who also covered us in The Washington Post earlier this year) does a good job of making accessible the research on and the underlying causes of akrasia, and defending...
Beeminder is goal-tracking with teeth. We plot your progress on a graph with a Bright Red Line (formerly Yellow Brick Road). If your datapoints cross that line, we take your money.
The Beeminder blog is a hodgepodge of productivity nerdery and behavioral economics written by the founders and various friends.
Start Here
Does Beeminder sound super crazypants? Just confusing? One of the first things you may want to check out is our User's Guide for New Bees. Check out other posts we're most proud of by clicking the "best-of" tag below. If you're a glutton for honey, the "bee-all" tag has everything we still think is worth reading. Other good ones are the "rationality" and "science" tags, if you're into that.
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Beeminder Community
Most of the action is in the Beeminder forum. Or if you want to be slightly social without risking getting distracted arguing on the internet, you can do pomodoros online in sync with other Beeminder users and productivity nerds in the Beeminder coworking room on Complice.
Akrasia (ancient Greek ἀκρασία, "lacking command over oneself"; adjective: "akratic") is the state of acting against one's better judgment, not doing what one genuinely wants to do. It encompasses procrastination, lack of self-control, lack of follow-through, and any kind of addictive behavior.