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Tag: science

58 posts
  • Robot scientist
  • Smooth bees
  • A bee holding the Beeminder logo and the book _How To Change_
  • A bee rejecting a graph depicting loss aversion
  • A bee thinking about the standard graph depicting loss aversion
  • Pr(workout | Beeminder) = Pr(Beeminder | workout) * Pr(workout) / Pr(Beeminder)
  • A bee carrying a marshmallow that's bigger than itself
  • Graph with isolines
  • Blabby faces and zip-lipped faces
  • Diagram with the 4 components of deliberate practice
  • Homer Simpson demonstrating the four fundamental types of reward and punishment
  • A pigeon
  • A kid grabbing a marshmallow off a plate
  • Homer with donuts, etc, on the brain
  • New England Journal of Medicine, a cigarette, Beeminder, a carrot
  • Discourse D with an infinibee in the middle
  • The letter B in the style of the superman logo
  • Turtle hiding in its shell
  • An unfinished / unpolished Beeminder bee, being beeminded.
  • Cover of 'The Motivation Hacker' by Nick Winter
  • a penguin
  • brass scales with bees
  • no weasels
  • graph of our exponential pledge schedule: $0, $5, $10, $30, $90, $270, $810, $2430
  • 'Thinking Outside the Box' by Duy Huynh
  • image of a burning dollar bill
  • An ostrich with its head in the sand
  • Airplanes skywriting a heart
  • A close up of a circuit board
  • Jimmy Jet's parents watching Jim.
  • A calendar with gold stars on it, seinfeld-hack style
  • A nun in a habit
  • Odysseus and the Sirens, by John Waterhouse
  • A bee with a dollar sign hanging from a stick coming out of its head like a carrot
  • Beeminder vs GymPact, Spy vs Spy style
  • infinite matrix of beeminder bees
  • Lift's launch page image -- an elevator (lift) with a rocket thing on it
  • A boogle of weasels
  • 1. Submit Beeminder blog post to essay contest. 2. Wait a long time. 3. Profit.
  • A monkey wearing glasses
  • The Beeminder bee walking down the yellow brick road to akrasia-free bliss
  • Kids warily checking out a tear-inducing torture device, aka a bathroom scale
  • If you don't study, You Shall Not Pass!
  • 'Delayed Gratification' by James Surowiecki in the New Yorker
  • Beeminder task list as part of the AutoFocus system
  • A guitar
  • Beeminder hearts Quantified Self
  • That's right, this is a dog dressed as a bee -- got a problem with that?
  • A very pixelated clock
  • Woman on scale with gun
  • A sort of dial, on the horizon. Or something.
  • Force Majeure, and a lightning bolt (that unexpectedly zaps you, providing legitimate grounds for pausing your yellow brick road)
  • A hand making the universal 'loser' symbol
  • A picture of a cane toad, epitomizing 'unintended consequences'
  • Caution: Blind Driver
  • Nature shot of sedimentary rock
  • Mmmm...
  • Mmmphhle glrrg? What bag of chocolate the size of my ass?