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An image of a line graph with everything outside the central window hazy

In a recent poll of most annoying things about Beeminder graphs there was a surprise winner. People really want to specify the plot range of their graphs using relative dates. Like always showing just the most recent month of data on the graph. Well, your wish is (sometimes, when we feel like it) our command.

Check it out:

Screenshot of the UI for picking X-min: None, Specific Date, One week ago, Two weeks ago, One month ago, One year ago

That’s now live in the settings below your graph. “None” means no minimum — show all the data for all time. And of course if you pick “Specific Date” then a date-picker appears like before.

Does this violate the Anti-Settings Principle?

Yes and no. Conceptually at least, this is an elegant generalization of the existing x-min setting. It still specifies a date — just that how you specifiy that date is more flexible. Namely, it can be an arithmetic expression like “now minus a month”. (Internally it’s not the prettiest.)

We’ll presumably keep tweaking it. If you want a 3-month window, let us know. If you want other unusual time windows, we’ll probably just make it a numeric field that lets you give a number of days. But even this version should Pareto-dominate the status quo ante. Enjoy! Go forth and relativize your plot ranges.
