Book Review: How To Change
2021-12-15 • by dreevesEarlier this year we completed a lovely Beeminder book club to read behavioral scientist Katy Milkman’s new book, How To Change. The discussion all happened in the amazing Beeminder forum but as a private group of 18 of us, so we could trash talk the book guilt-free (or just to be able to talk more...
Beeminder Buzz Press Roundup 2019
2020-01-08 • by dreevesThis is our 14th press roundup! The internet seems to just keep on loving us. We’re very touched! Our last one was a year ago, making this one pretty much a 2019 year-in-review, Beeminder-buzz-wise. (Speaking of years-in-review, we also collected a list of things Beeminder did in 2019 on the forum.)...
13th Beeminder Buzz Press Roundup
2019-01-31 • by dreevesIn case you missed our previous 12 press roundups (starting all the way back in 2012!), here they are: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, and twelve. Now that you’ve clicked on each of those and read each article, blog post, blurb, and podcast, we can fill you in on...
A Monastery is a Commitment Device
2018-06-29 • by David HowellHuge thanks to David Howell (see also his impressive Beeminder gallery) for valiantly coming to our defense after we were ruthlessly (not very ruthlessly) mocked in the Wall Street Journal. Two weeks ago in the Wall Street Journal, Ellen Gamerman investigated daily streak tracking among modern meditators....
Beeminder in the Wall Street Journal Every Five Years
2018-06-14 • by dreevesGuess who’s covered in the Wall Street Journal again! You’re very good at guessing. It may not count as the front page this time (unlike last time) since this front page article doesn’t start talking about Beeminder until after the jump. Also we’re about to demonstrate how little sense of humor we have...
The time has come (the fandom said) to talk of many things. Of books, podcasts, and articles. Of victories and stings. With little further ado other than to point you to our collection of the last 10 press roundups we’ve done, here are all the nice things people have been saying about Beeminder since...
Press Roundup to Trump All Press Roundups
2017-01-25 • by Lillian KarabaicLast week we had a reporter contact us looking for examples of commitment contracts involving Donald Trump. She was wondering if anyone uses anything Trump-related as an anti-charity or “as motivation to, say, give more to charity”. The piece didn’t end up happening, but it inspired us to do a press...
Honeymoons, True Love, and Yet More Buzz
2016-05-24 • by dreevesIt’s one thing to see a gushing testimonial from someone in the honeymoon phase of using Beeminder. Professor Brent Yorgey wrote such a post in 2013 (“Beeminder has changed my life”) in which he detailed the myriad ways he was using Beeminder after discovering it 6 months prior. A whole other level...
Post New Year's Press Roundup
2016-02-05 • by dreevesAnother month (or so), another swarm of Beeminder buzz. Since new year’s resolution season just ended we got included in a lot of lists (resources for succeeding in college, resources for MBA students, apps to stay motivated in 2016, top resolution apps, and more apps to keep your 2016 resolutions). The...
Bee Your Best Self in 2016 with Habitica
2016-01-12 • by Siena LeslieWe’re honored to have Team Habitica here on the Beeminder blog to tell you more about Habitica and about using Habitica and Beeminder together. They’re in some ways very different but also quite compatible! For new year’s eve we wrote a guest post for the Habiticans, introducing them to Beeminderland....
Buzzy Buzz Buzz: Discover Magazine Edition
2015-12-22 • by bsouleIt’s our 7th press roundup! This time we wanted an excuse to show off our coverage in last month’s issue of Discover Magazine. The author (who also covered us in The Washington Post earlier this year) does a good job of making accessible the research on and the underlying causes of akrasia, and defending...
Press Roundup: A Year of Buzz
2015-09-18 • by dreevesRemember our press roundups? What’s The Buzz? Beeminder Buzz at 30,000 Feet Front Page of the Wall Street Journal Another Press Roundup Part Deux, Revisited: Return of the Beeminder Buzz Returns Again! Press Roundup 5 Well we got super lazy about them and it’s been a year since the last one. So now we...
If This MIND That: Beeminder ♥ IFTTT
2015-05-08 • by bsouleAnnouncement! There is now an official Beeminder Channel on IFTTT! This is a big day for us. Our users have been begging for this for a very long time, and we in turn have been bugging IFTTT. In fact, Danny even wrote this Ode to IFTTT two years ago and included it in our application to be a channel...
Beeminder ♥ Zapier: Hundreds of New Integrations in One
2014-11-19 • by dreevesWe’re beaming with pride at being the latest official Zapier integration. See also Zapier’s announcement. This is arguably our biggest announcement since the Beeminder API two years ago. In case you don’t already know about Zapier, it’s a more
Press Roundup 5
2014-09-04 • by dreevesWe’re such press darlings! This is our fifth big press roundup. For the sake of completeness (and because I’m certain you’re terribly eager to read every word of all our press coverage ever), here are the previous four: Press Roundup: What’s the Buzz? Beeminder Buzz at 30,000 Feet, and other New Year’s...
Another Press Roundup Part Deux, Revisited: Return of the Beeminder Buzz Returns Again!
2014-02-02 • by Erica EdelmanIt’s that (randomly-chosen) time of year, folks! The time we brag about all the awesome press Beeminder’s been getting. Our excuse to do this today is that the legendary Amby Burfoot just published an article about Beeminder and StickK and behavioral economics in Runner’s World online. Before that...
More Schwag, Less Beeminding
2013-10-03 • by dreevesThis post is a random assortment of items and announcements. Normally we use the beemails for that, but (a) it’s an emergency blog post day and (b) we wanted to let you blog readers know that we’re actually sending regular beemails, so if you want more of this kind of thing, bump up your beemail frequency...
Beeminder Buzz: Front Page of the Wall Street Journal
2013-04-24 • by bsouleExciting news about Beeminder today: we’re on the front page of the Wall Street Journal! It’s an interesting little write-up about the Quantified Self movement as “digital mother” — capturing Beeminder’s relationship to Quantified Self beautifully — and features one of our favorite beeminders (Okay,...
Beeminder Buzz at 30,000 Feet, and other New Year's Coverage
2013-01-09 • by dreevesWe’re so proud of our full-page feature in the Southwest Airlines inflight magazine this month that we’re reproducing it here (with permission): ... This new online tool forces you to shape up — or pay up. Here’s how Beeminder co-founder Bethany Soule describes the Web-based, incentivized task tracker:
Press Roundup: What's the Buzz?
2012-06-30 • by dreevesIn the beginning of the year we covered our coverage on Quantified Self and Mark Forster’s Getting Things Done blog. There’s been a lot more since then. Here are the highlights
Beeminder is goal-tracking with teeth. We plot your progress on a graph with a Bright Red Line (formerly Yellow Brick Road). If your datapoints cross that line, we take your money.
The Beeminder blog is a hodgepodge of productivity nerdery and behavioral economics written by the founders and various friends.
Start Here
Does Beeminder sound super crazypants? Just confusing? One of the first things you may want to check out is our User's Guide for New Bees. Check out other posts we're most proud of by clicking the "best-of" tag below. If you're a glutton for honey, the "bee-all" tag has everything we still think is worth reading. Other good ones are the "rationality" and "science" tags, if you're into that.
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- ...and 186 more tags
Beeminder Community
Most of the action is in the Beeminder forum. Or if you want to be slightly social without risking getting distracted arguing on the internet, you can do pomodoros online in sync with other Beeminder users and productivity nerds in the Beeminder coworking room on Complice.
Akrasia (ancient Greek ἀκρασία, "lacking command over oneself"; adjective: "akratic") is the state of acting against one's better judgment, not doing what one genuinely wants to do. It encompasses procrastination, lack of self-control, lack of follow-through, and any kind of addictive behavior.