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Tag: nerdery

64 posts
  • Bees engaged in high-risk activities
  • Bees looking at screens with URLs on them
  • Bee riding the Manifold.markets logo
  • Elaborate machine generating word bubbles
  • A stamp collection
  • If bees created chess, by Midjourney
  • Beeminder hearts Stripe
  • Smooth bees
  • Announcing RSSminder
  • The StoryGraph's logo with little Beeminder logos on the spines of the books
  • Beeminder graph with a staircase as the bright red line (and a bee climbing it)
  • A bee holding the Beeminder logo and the book _How To Change_
  • A bee thinking about the standard graph depicting loss aversion
  • Cents in a line
  • Crutches
  • Pr(workout | Beeminder) = Pr(Beeminder | workout) * Pr(workout) / Pr(Beeminder)
  • A bee holding a carrot (down) and a stick (up)
  • A dead bee on a flat graph
  • Beeminder logo wearing nerd glasses and a pocket protector
  • A picture of a ratchet mechanism and Bee in overalls and a wrench and a crown
  • Bee holding a 'no settings' sign
  • A bee accidentally toppling a card house
  • A bee looking at a literal yellow brick half-plane and math equations
  • A bee wearing a wizard hat and magic wand
  • Graph with isolines
  • Electromagnetic spectrum
  • A basket of eggs with a bee flying around it. And a butterfly but we don't care about butterflies.
  • Portrait of Leonhard Euler
  • A vat with a lot of liquid flowing in and a trickle flowing out
  • An old fashioned can of Pledge furniture polish
  • A graph of a Pareto frontier in 2 dimensions, with infinibees as points
  • A graph of a Pareto frontier in 2 dimensions
  • Bug report -- Replicata, Expectata, Resultata
  • Library stacks
  • A train flying off the tracks and feeling good about that
  • Nicky profile picture
  • Slytherin 404 athletic shirt
  • a hand with 6 fingers
  • All The Things
  • Some kind of skeleton robot playing fetch with a bone
  • Collage of bug labels
  • Sketch of the original Mechanical Turk
  • Hexagonal buttons from the new dashboard
  • An Infinibee with blue glasses
  • Complice and Beeminder logos with arrows and symbols and icons oh my
  • Person covered in bees
  • Dazed bee under the MongoDB logo
  • Paul Samuelson
  • Pixelated Bee, Habitica-style
  • An ostrich
  • Graph from the Hacker's Diet showing raw data with moving average overlaid
  • Bees in a triangle
  • Whiteboad at the beehive
  • Bee kitchen timer
  • Sleepy android + Beeminder Bee in a sleeping cap.
  • Assumption of Mary; Asunción de la Virgen (c 1670), Juan Martín Cabezalero, Museo del Prado
  • Zapier logo surrounded by various other logos
  • An infinibee in a treasure chest, RPG-style.
  • Discourse D with an infinibee in the middle
  • Robot with strangely human-looking eyes
  • Image of the infinibee with a bleeding heart
  • Bank error in your favor (monopoly card)
  • dead bee
  • A picture of a train that looks like a bee, sort of