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Tag: yellow brick road

48 posts
  • Beeminder graph with a staircase as the bright red line (and a bee climbing it)
  • A bee dressed as Elton John looking out at a yellow brick road
  • A bee on a Beeminder graph with a calendar and an initially flat yellow brick road
  • A picture of a ratchet mechanism and Bee in overalls and a wrench and a crown
  • A bee looking at a literal yellow brick half-plane and math equations
  • Graph with isolines
  • A yellow brick road being squeezed by a vice grip
  • Broken staircase with Infinibee shuttling stick figure across
  • A literal road
  • Wide load farm equipment
  • image of a hospital building
  • Feature Unannouncement: Exponential Roads Going Piecewise Linear
  • Hexagonal buttons from the new dashboard
  • wooden toy train derailing
  • Karate kick in black and yellow
  • Yellow Brick Road (literally)
  • Person covered in bees
  • An ostrich
  • Calendar with days crossed off
  • Graph from the Hacker's Diet showing raw data with moving average overlaid
  • A bucket with bees painted on it next to a ruler
  • Sleepy android + Beeminder Bee in a sleeping cap.
  • A (literal) cornucopia of vegetables
  • A series of alarm clocks
  • Three kinds of bees, beecause we're three!
  • Bee smiling and waving maniacally at the camera
  • Someone wearing a shirt that says, printed upside down, 'If you can read this call my sponsor'
  • 'Both Sides' logo from SMBC Theater
  • steep grade road sign
  • Hypothetical 'Beeminder for Newbees' book cover
  • The infinibee with a thought bubble with the Code School logo in it
  • Cookie Monster cookie monstering a cookie
  • A bee wearing a (birthday) crown
  • Damoclean goal tracking
  • A less-than sign
  • A bee on the phone saying 'yeah, dude. i'm totally not gonna make it in next week'
  • An ostrich (with its head not in the sand)
  • an ancient tome
  • Adorable plush ketchup and mustard dolls
  • An ostrich with its head in the sand
  • A close up of a circuit board
  • The Beeminder bee walking down the yellow brick road to akrasia-free bliss
  • Kids warily checking out a tear-inducing torture device, aka a bathroom scale
  • A bee unveiling a turkey
  • That's right, this is a dog dressed as a bee -- got a problem with that?
  • A very pixelated clock
  • A sort of dial, on the horizon. Or something.
  • Literal backfiring