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Tag: FAQ

76 posts
  • A man wearing a backpack, walking up a staircase made out of books
  • An elite runner and a... not so elite runner
  • A grid of faces with all sorts of crazy reactions
  • Ebenezer Scrooge holding a gift
  • DALL-E image: a painting of some stressed out bees
  • Beeminder vs CBT
  • Bee self-blackmailing, i.e., sending itself a black piece of mail
  • A bee on a blockchain
  • A bee holding notes and books and such
  • Crutches
  • A bee holding a carrot (down) and a stick (up)
  • The Beeminder logo crossed out
  • A dead bee on a flat graph
  • An old bee with a cane
  • A nebulous bee and a nebula
  • Beeminder logo wearing nerd glasses and a pocket protector
  • Broken staircase with Infinibee shuttling stick figure across
  • Integer collage
  • Jerry Maguire character yelling 'show me the money'
  • A barfing cat
  • PayPal logo
  • Beeminder logo holding Google Docs and Dropbox logos
  • Picture of a pencil telling an eraser, 'you just don't seem very supportive'
  • Oscar Wilde looking bored
  • wooden toy train derailing
  • Yellow Brick Road (literally)
  • cute honey bee tells you to enjoy the weekend
  • Stylized credit card with infinibee
  • Person covered in bees
  • Bee Free Infinity (with a picture of a bee)
  • Cover of Scott Adams's book, *How To Fail At Almost Everything And Still Win Big*
  • Elephant dressed as a bee
  • Calendar with days crossed off
  • New England Journal of Medicine, a cigarette, Beeminder, a carrot
  • IFTT and Beeminder logos, kinda meta-like
  • Gmail + Zeroer
  • Panicked person fleeing
  • Graph from the Hacker's Diet showing raw data with moving average overlaid
  • Sleepy android + Beeminder Bee in a sleeping cap.
  • Zapier logo surrounded by various other logos
  • A series of alarm clocks
  • Discourse D with an infinibee in the middle
  • a bee with the inscription 'bee free'
  • A person wearing a literal cap that says 'pledge'
  • A little anthropomorphic ruler
  • The letter B in the style of the superman logo
  • A 1968 Dodge Charger doing a burnout
  • Someone wearing a shirt that says, printed upside down, 'If you can read this call my sponsor'
  • 'Both Sides' logo from SMBC Theater
  • Hypothetical 'Beeminder for Newbees' book cover
  • A whip colored black and yellow, like a bee
  • My endpoints, let me show you them
  • write with draft
  • Damoclean goal tracking
  • A less-than sign
  • A bee on the phone saying 'yeah, dude. i'm totally not gonna make it in next week'
  • The Beeminder logo and a heart and the RunKeeper logo
  • Bart Simpson cheating on a test
  • An ostrich (with its head not in the sand)
  • an ancient tome
  • Diagram illustrating Zeno's Paradox
  • Adorable plush ketchup and mustard dolls
  • no weasels
  • robot bee
  • A bee with a dollar sign hanging from a stick coming out of its head like a carrot
  • Beeminder logo
  • Kids warily checking out a tear-inducing torture device, aka a bathroom scale
  • If you don't study, You Shall Not Pass!
  • Crowded City Sidewalks by Sandra Silberzweig
  • That's right, this is a dog dressed as a bee -- got a problem with that?
  • A very pixelated clock
  • A Hello My Name Is sticker
  • A sort of dial, on the horizon. Or something.
  • Force Majeure, and a lightning bolt (that unexpectedly zaps you, providing legitimate grounds for pausing your yellow brick road)
  • A hand making the universal 'loser' symbol
  • Mmmphhle glrrg? What bag of chocolate the size of my ass?