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Tag: case studies

109 posts
  • Bees in love, surrounded by honey and money
  • DIY Beeminder, involving a lot of shoestring
  • A slightly disheveled college student surrounded by books and study materials
  • An adorable bee knitting
  • Announcing RSSminder
  • Beeminder vs CBT
  • A bee brushing teeth while juggling goslings (we are not fucking with you, blind people, that's the image!)
  • Maybe temporary Joni Mitchell picture
  • Days of the week with images for each themed eating day
  • A dirty human stick figure with a can of stink-bee-gone
  • A dirty bee with a can of stink-bee-gone
  • A bee staring at a diagram of a control system
  • A bee holding notes and books and such
  • A bee thinking about fractions
  • Bee on a shopping spree
  • The Beeminder logo crossed out
  • A dead bee on a flat graph
  • A nebulous bee and a nebula
  • A workerbee making an assembly line of humans do its bidding
  • Cookie Monster eating books with titles 'Cookies and StickKs' and 'Cookie and Consequence'
  • A bee in a dunce cap writing 'i will not write dummy posts just to make beeminder happy' on a chalkboard
  • A bee with a wrench and a todo list
  • A bee wearing a wizard hat and magic wand
  • Broken staircase with Infinibee shuttling stick figure across
  • Bunny in a box
  • hourglass
  • Pendleton Roundup, Press Roundup
  • A dog gun shooting bees (it doesn't make any more sense than that if you view the actual image)
  • A skeptical cow
  • A lock and chain
  • Reeves giving QS18 talk
  • Library stacks
  • Thomas Frank of College Info Geek
  • Zach with the Beeminder-branded button
  • Nicky profile picture
  • A monastery on a hill
  • Winning meditation
  • Bartholomew Cubbins holding hats
  • a hand with 6 fingers
  • Kim at the culmination of her Jazz event
  • Diagram with the 4 components of deliberate practice
  • A barfing cat
  • All The Things
  • Timmins's book cover
  • A pigeon
  • Pacman
  • Winnie the Pooh with his head stuck in a jar of honey
  • Buzz Lightyear
  • Padded cell that says 'Committed?'
  • Beeminder in Arabic!
  • Working bees
  • Person about to make a very easy soccer goal
  • Sketch of the original Mechanical Turk
  • An Infinibee with blue glasses
  • Karate kick in black and yellow
  • A cockroach in the kitchen
  • Complice and Beeminder logos with arrows and symbols and icons oh my
  • Yellow Brick Road (literally)
  • Factorization diagram for 1 through 36
  • The cover of Neil's book
  • Victor Hugo
  • Drawings by Faire, including the Beeminder logo, with inscription
  • Complice logo
  • Diagram of the lifecycle of bees, in four stages
  • A bee with an umbrella getting rained on
  • Zoomed in section of Slate Star Codex's rationality map
  • Screenshot of Mirabai Knight's goal gallery with 9 green goals.
  • Old painting of Russian Czar Mikhail Fyodorevitch Romanov
  • IFTT and Beeminder logos, kinda meta-like
  • Gmail + Zeroer
  • Panicked person fleeing
  • 'Routines' as a loop; 'New things' as a spiral
  • Bees in a triangle
  • A bucket with bees painted on it next to a ruler
  • Whiteboad at the beehive
  • Bee kitchen timer
  • Assumption of Mary; Asunción de la Virgen (c 1670), Juan Martín Cabezalero, Museo del Prado
  • Some kind of bee goddess in a flower
  • A (literal) cornucopia of vegetables
  • Zapier logo surrounded by various other logos
  • A cat dressed as a bee
  • person at a desk in the middle of a field with a big blue sky
  • standing on the scale
  • Bee smiling and waving maniacally at the camera
  • Hieroglyphics with an Infinibee
  • Turtle hiding in its shell
  • GTBee screenshot
  • steep grade road sign
  • Cookie Monster cookie monstering a cookie
  • People boxing, ie, punching each other
  • world bicycle relief map of africa
  • An unfinished / unpolished Beeminder bee, being beeminded.
  • Damoclean goal tracking
  • The Wizard of Oz behind the curtain
  • Cover of 'The Motivation Hacker' by Nick Winter
  • graph of our exponential pledge schedule: $0, $5, $10, $30, $90, $270, $810, $2430
  • 'Thinking Outside the Box' by Duy Huynh
  • Airplanes skywriting a heart
  • Jimmy Jet's parents watching Jim.
  • A calendar with gold stars on it, seinfeld-hack style
  • A nun in a habit
  • a swam of racing bees
  • A boogle of weasels
  • A bee minding a (Beeminder) bee
  • If you don't study, You Shall Not Pass!
  • A guitar
  • That's right, this is a dog dressed as a bee -- got a problem with that?
  • Caution: Blind Driver
  • Image from the Ogunquit Museum of American Art